you can put your wedding in the hands of the professional Just Wedding.

Just Wedding傑婚顧問公司是一群專業的婚禮顧問及設計團隊,每一位婚禮顧問成員都有其專業與熱忱在為每對新人籌劃其獨一無二的婚禮節目與氣氛,每一位設計團員也都受過專業的設計訓練課程而為每一場婚禮做最特別的平面及空間設計,希望每對新人能在Just Wedding的協助及陪伴下擁有其永生難忘的回憶。


在Just Wedding傑婚顧問的團隊成立之前,其中的幾位團員都有自己籌備婚禮的經驗,除了婚前各項繁瑣事項的準備,婚禮當天的流程更是一手包辦!常常會想,能自己策劃婚禮真是件不錯的事,但不曉得為什麼心中總是有些許不安; 大部分的新人都一樣欠缺經驗以及時間去搜尋所有的相關資訊,更容易因為在所有繁雜的事項及工作壓力之下而無法順利完成終身大事,更不用說特別的浪漫婚禮了。


Just Wedding專業婚顧團隊的成立最初願望就是希望看到新人在最幸福的那一天,展現出最無憂無慮,最幸福燦爛的笑容。



  • 將秉持著
    • 為每一對佳偶不斷創造驚奇、絕佳的結婚體驗
    • 為每一對佳偶提供具有國際水準的結婚顧問服務


  • 將依循著
    • 為每一對佳偶與不同廠商間搭建一個互動的平台
    • 透過人與人之間的溝通,共享感動,並創造難忘的結婚經驗


  • 傑婚將以
    • 新的價值活動為每一對佳偶的結婚經驗創造豐富的對話
    • 讓每一場婚禮都呈現新的、獨一無二的氣息
About Just Wedding

Just Wedding, a wedding organizing consultant company, was grouped by certified wedding planners and well-trained advertisement designing team. Our wedding organizers are trained in all aspects of the wedding and social event industry such as budget controlling, wedding managing, ceremony details etc.

Before the establishment of Just Wedding, each planner had experienced the process of organizing weddings. We understand how detail and complicate is to plan a wedding and also personally encountered fidgety, impatient during this process on our first managing. However, it is also a great experience to be part of it. Most newlyweds are inexperienced when they face to their own wedding. How can we make a wedding planning more easily and under a well-designed, -organized, and romantic plan? That is our main goal to establish Just Wedding.

The business of wedding consulting in Japan and European countries has been developing constantly and steady. The Just Wedding founder, Shellie Yu and our creative Director, Paul Huang have been well-trained in Japan for five years. As a wedding coordination company, we have the advantage of fully knowing the wedding information in the market and the ability of negotiation with cooperated suppliers; it can be helpful for reducing newlyweds’ cost and saving their time. As the result of that, newlyweds can completely dip in their romantic wedding.

Every wedding is special to us. All weddings are designed for each couple by our specialist wedding planners. We will personally design a wedding to meet our guests’ needs and budget with our guarantee. Every effort will be made to ensure complete guests’ satisfactions. The best reward for Just Wedding is to see the satisfied, grateful and beautiful broadly smile from newlyweds. From start to finish, you can put your wedding in the hands of the professional Just Wedding.

Management and administration

Managing Mission

  • We insist on
    • Creating surprised, excellent and unique marriage for newlyweds.
    • Providing professional advice for every pair of happily newlyweds.

Management Goal

  • We follow by
    • Building up the relationship and communication platform between the newlywed and different cooperated suppliers.
    • Passing the interpersonal communication, sharing and affecting, we create an unforgettable and impressive wedding experience.

Operation Policy

  • We do
    • Presenting a creative and unique wedding for each newlywed.